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Acerca de Vertigo

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Vertigo is a type of dizziness that causes you to feel as though the “room is spinning”. The most common sensation associated with vertigo is a dizziness, or the feeling of being off-balance. Vertigo is not an illness. Instead, it is a common symptom resulting from a condition.

Common Symptoms of Vertigo

Vertigo itself is a symptom or sensation caused by some other condition. Common signs or feelings associated with vertigo include:

  • Dizziness (the feeling that the environment around you is spinning, even when you're motionless)
  • Loss of balance
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Headache
  • Ringing in the ears

These symptoms may last for a few seconds up to a few hours.

Common Causes of Vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom associated with multiple health conditions. These symptoms may occur without you having a previously diagnosed condition. There are several common causes, however, of vertigo symptoms. These include:

- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): Your inner ear contains microscopic crystals that help orient you and monitor the movement of your head. When these crystals become displaced, any sudden movement - such as standing up quickly - can make you feel dizzy. BPPV is the medical term for this occurrence.

- Vestibular neuritis: An inflammation of the vestibular nerve, vestibular neuritis can cause prolonged episodes of vertigo and dizziness, as well as hearing loss.

- Labyrinthitis: An infection of the inner ear, labyrinthitis is commonly triggered by a common cold or the flu. Labyrinthitis can cause vertigo, dizziness, and hearing loss.

- Meniere’s disease: Meniere’s disease can affect people of any age but is most commonly found in adults between the ages of 40-65. Changes in the inner ear result in episodes of vertigo, dizziness, hearing loss, and tinnitus.

Other common causes of vertigo include:

  • Headaches
  • Ear infections
  • Head injury
  • Stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis

Vertigo is a very common sensation that nearly everyone experiences from time to time. If you experience persistent vertigo or dizziness, talk to your doctor. Vertigo in and of itself is not a cause for concern, but if the symptom does not go away after a few seconds, or if it recurs frequently, it may signify a serious health condition.

Opciones de Tratamiento

Treatment for vertigo depends on the condition causing the symptom. Most instances of vertigo will go away on their own without medical help. In some cases, medical attention may be required. Below are common treatments for vertigo. During your appointment, talk to your provider about the treatment plan that’s best for you.

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Sesame FAQs

Frequently asked questions about vertigo treatment on Sesame

Treatment for vertigo depends on the condition causing the symptom. Most instances of vertigo will go away on their own without medical help. In some cases, medical attention may be required.

In many cases, yes. If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of vertigo, you should speak with a primary care provider on Sesame for medical advice. After discussing your medical history and symptoms, health care providers on Sesame can diagnose vertigo and offer potential treatment options.

If your health care provider suspects that your vertigo symptoms are being caused by an underlying condition, you may be asked to schedule a follow-up in-person visit for a physical examination and other testing. If this is needed, Sesame will reach out to you about next steps.

The first step in getting treatment for vertigo is to talk about your symptoms and health history with a primary care provider. During a primary care appointment, your physician can talk with you about what you’ve been experiencing and may perform a physical exam to determine the possible causes of your vertigo.

Depending on what your provider thinks may be causing vertigo symptoms, they may refer you to a specialist. These doctors have specialized training to address specific parts of the body and may be able to provide more comprehensive care. Audiologists are vertigo specialists that treat balance disorders, hearing loss, and auditory problems. If your primary care provider believes that your symptoms are being caused by a condition affecting the inner ear, you may be referred to an audiologist for further evaluation.

A Doctor of Otolaryngology (also known as an ear, nose, and throat doctor) specializes in care related to those parts of the body. If your primary care provider believes that your symptoms are being caused by a condition affecting the inner ear, sinus cavity, or another part of the vestibular system, you may be referred to an ENT.

If your primary care provider believes that a condition affecting the brain or central nervous system is causing your symptoms, you may be referred to a Doctor of Neurology (also known as a neurologist). A neurologist can help diagnose and treat conditions such as brain tumors, or head injuries.

Es posible que el proveedor recomiende servicios o análisis adicionales durante la consulta. No se le cobrarán cargos por servicios adicionales sin su consentimiento.

In most cases, prescription medication is not needed to treat vertigo. Symptoms often go away on their own without treatment as the brain is able to adapt to inner-ear changes. In other cases, physical therapy or procedures like Canalith repositioning is required to treat symptoms.

Doctors may prescribe medication if they believe that your vertigo symptoms are being caused by an underlying health condition. If so, they will discuss treatment options with you during your visit.

Sesame makes it easier than ever to get a new prescription or refill a prescription from the comfort of your own home! To discuss a new online prescription or refill, book a video visit with a doctor or nurse on Sesame to discuss a new online prescription or refill. Clinicians on Sesame can prescribe drugs that help treat vertigo--like antihistamines and diuretics.

Note that providers on Sesame cannot prescribe controlled substances.

Book a video visit on based on the health care you need, and pick up a new prescription or existing prescription refill at a pharmacy of your choice. Browse services on Sesame, set up an appointment with a real doctor at your convenience, and get the care you need.

Booking an appointment with a doctor or nurse online is typically the fastest way to get a prescription! Sesame offers same-day online doctor prescription and prescription refill appointments with board-certified healthcare professionals. If deemed clinically necessary, Sesame providers can provide prescriptions and prescription refills for most non-controlled substances. They can also provide you with a doctor’s note if necessary.

Most online prescription and prescription refill appointments take around 15 minutes, and providers are able to send a prescription to a pharmacy of your choice right after your appointment.

Sesame offers online prescription and refill services at affordable prices, starting at just $29. If a new prescription is determined necessary by a provider, clinicians on Sesame can prescribe medication that helps treat blood pressure, infections, allergies, cholesterol problems, thyroid conditions, and more!

Por supuesto. Si solicita una transferencia de recetas, puede trasladarlas fácilmente de una farmacia a otra. Además, muchas farmacias ofrecen servicios de envío para la entrega a domicilio. Así es cómo puede solicitar el traslado de una receta a otra farmacia:

1) Llame a la nueva farmacia para solicitar el traslado.

2) Déles sus datos del seguro médico y de la receta.

3) Espere la transferencia completa de la receta antes de ir a recogerla. Las farmacias suelen tardar unos días en transferir una receta, pero usted recibirá una notificación cuando se haya completado este paso. Recoja la receta en persona o pida que se la envíen a domicilio.

Si necesita rellenar una receta, reserve hoy mismo una visita con un médico real y de calidad en Sesame. Los médicos de Sesame pueden rellenar recetas para la presión arterial alta, el control de la natalidad, las alergias y mucho más. Ahorre hasta un 60% en su visita de refill de recetas al reservar con Sesame.

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