Understand your body
Health checkUnderstand your health today. Plan for your future.

How it works

Select provider and location
Wait for order submission
Visit testing location
Review results with provider
Prices vary according to the provider.
What's Included
Blood TestingDetects disorders including infections, anemia, diseases of the immune system, and blood cancers.
Metabolic analysisMeasures 14 different substances in your blood for information about your body's chemical balance and metabolism.
UrinalysisUrine examination to help diagnose diabetes, kidney and liver problems, UTIs, lupus, or cancer.
Lipid panelMeasures the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood.
Provider visit and results analysisIncluded. No extra copay or surprise fees.
Labs included
CBC - Complete blood count
CMP - Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Lipid panel (cholesterol)
Provider visit and results analysis
Prices vary according to the provider.