Mouth ulcer treatment

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About Mouth ulcer

Mouth ulcers - also known as mouth sores or canker sores - are small lesions that develop on any of the soft tissues in the mouth (usually the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, and floor of the mouth). Where cold sores are primarily found on the outside of the mouth, canker sores occur inside the mouth. Canker sores are not contagious, and usually only last for a week or two.

Common symptoms of mouth ulcers include:
  • Round or oval lesions that are yellow or whitish in color
  • A red painful ring around the lesion
  • A tingling sensation in the mouth

Canker sores may occur in concurrence with other symptoms such as:
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fever

Causes of mouth ulcers are diverse but unclear.

Common triggers of mouth ulcers include:
  • Injury to the soft tissue of the mouth (such as biting the cheek, impact to the mouth, scrapes from dental work, etc…)
  • Family history of canker sores
  • Viral infections (it is common to get canker sores while dealing with a common cold or illness caused by a virus)
  • Toothpaste or mouthwashes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Sensitivity to acidic food (such as orange juice, coffee, chocolate, and strawberries)
  • Vitamin or mineral deficiencies (such as vitamin B-12 deficiency or iron deficiency)
  • Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle
  • Emotional stress

Most mouth ulcers will go away on their own without medical treatment. Because of the pain, they cause, however, they can cause difficulty with speaking or eating. If you experience abnormally large canker sores, persistent sores, sores that recur in the same areas of the mouth, or sores that are accompanied by other symptoms (such as fever), talk to your health care provider. If you have noticed that dental/ orthodontal appliances are causing irritation in your mouth that results in canker sores, talk to your dentist or orthodontist about prevention methods and other treatment options.

Treatment Options

Below is a list of common treatment options for mouth ulcers. During your appointment, discuss these with your doctor to determine the right treatment plan for you.

There are several products that are available over the counter and as a prescription that may be used to reduce pain and speed up the healing time of mouth sores. These products include:

Topical Medicine/ Mouth Rinses
  • Topical medication for mouth ulcers is typically available as a mouth rinse, gel, or paste. These products may be sold over the counter or ordered as a prescription. Most topical products for canker sores contain ingredients such as:
  • Benzocaine (Orabase, Zilactin-B, Anbesol)
  • Fluocinonide (Vanos)
  • Hydrogen peroxide (Peroxyl, Orajel, Orajel Antiseptic Rinse)

If mouth sores are severe, your doctor may prescribe a mouth rinse that contains lidocaine or the steroid dexamethasone to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Cauterizing Medication

Debacterol is a cauterizing solution that is applied to a mouth ulcer to close the wound, relieve pain, and encourage healing. Even though you may experience some mild pain while applying the solution, this cauterizing medication has been shown to reduce healing time by as much as a week.

Most mild mouth ulcers do not require medical treatment. Instead, there are a number of self-care strategies you can use to relieve pain and relieve inflammation caused by the sores. These include:

- Use a homemade mouth rinse. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in ½ cup of warm salt water and swish it around the mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

- Apply milk of magnesia. Dab small amounts of milk of magnesia onto the lesions several times a day.

- Avoid triggering foods. Spicy food and highly acidic foods (such as chocolate and coffee, as well as fruits such as pineapples and strawberries) can irritate mouth sores, and lead to new sores.

- Ice the sore. Let small ice chips slowly dissolve over mouth sores to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

- Avoid toothpaste with SLS. Some people experience mouth sores caused by sodium lauryl sulfate, an ingredient in many kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes. Look for brands that do not contain this ingredient to avoid further irritation and future sores.

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