Cardiologists treat a spectrum of heart diseases, including:
- Heart attack: A blockage of fat, cholesterol, and other substances in the arteries that can be fatal. Signs of a heart attack include pressure, pain or aching in your chest and arms, nausea, cold sweat, fatigue, shortness of breath, sudden dizziness, and/or feeling lightheaded. If you think you are having a heart attack you need to act immediately.
- Heart failure: A gradual weakening of the heart muscle that can get worse over time and can lead to a heart attack.
- Arrhythmia: When the electrical impulses that regulate heart rhythm don’t work properly, this is called arrhythmia. It can feel like a racing heart, or a fluttering and can happen along with palpitations.
Heart palpitations: Skipping heartbeats, pounding, rapid heartbeats, or beating too fast.
- Atrial fibrillation: An irregular heartbeat that may increase your chances of getting a stroke.
- Coronary artery disease: When the blood vessels that supply blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your heart become damaged or diseased.
Stroke: A blockage of blood supply to the brain that can cause major bodily damage and may result in death.