Ingrown toenail treatment

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About Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenails are common foot conditions in which the corner or edge of a toenail grows into the soft skin around it, usually occurring in the big toe. While ingrown toenails do not pose much of a health risk, they can be very painful.

Common symptoms of an ingrown toenail include pain, soreness, swelling, and redness around the affected toe. If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can become infected, which may cause pus to ooze from around the toe. The infection caused by an ingrown toenail may spread to the toe bone, resulting in a very serious bone infection. Individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of infection from an ingrown toenail, as poor blood flow to the lower extremities prevents your body from fighting infection.

Ingrown toenails are frequently caused by cutting your toenails too short, or hedging corners of the nail. As that nail grows back in, it may grow into the skin around the toe.

Other factors that may cause an ingrown toenail include:
  • Tearing the toenail
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight in the toe box, which can cause toe crowding
  • Toe injury (like stubbing your toe or dropping something on your toe)
  • A natural toenail shape that is unusually curved, or is larger than the toe itself

If you are experiencing pain in your toe, or are noticing pus oozing from your toenail, seek medical attention. These are common signs of an ingrown toenail or foot infection. Individuals with diabetes should talk to a doctor at the first sign of a foot infection, as poor blood flow to the feet can result in serious infections and gangrene.

Treatment Options

Below is a list of treatment options for an ingrown toenail. During your appointment, discuss your symptoms with your doctor, and talk about a treatment plan that’s right for you.

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