Presbyopia eye care

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About Presbyopia

Age-related farsightedness - presbyopia - is a common condition that affects vision. If you are farsighted, you are able to see objects that are far away clearer than objects that are close. Over half of adults over the age of 65 have some degree of farsightedness, due to the natural aging of the eye’s lens. Muscles in the eye expand and constrict to help the lens focus on images nearer and farther away. As the lens hardens with age, it loses the ability to constrict to see close-up images. If the lens is unable to change its shape to improve focus, objects nearer to the eye may become blurry.

The symptoms of farsightedness include:
  • Nearby objects appear blurry or out of focus
  • Difficulty with reading
  • Squinting to see clearly
  • Eyestrain: A dull pain, or burning sensation in the eyes
  • Headaches

Presbyopia develops with age. Nearly everyone will experience some degree of farsightedness as they age past 40 years old. Certain conditions, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or cardiovascular problems may also contribute to premature or more quickly developing presbyopia.

Farsightedness is usually diagnosed through an eye exam performed by an eye care provider, such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist. If you notice that you are experiencing vision problems, or are unable to perform daily tasks, talk to an eye care specialist. Even if your symptoms of farsightedness are mild, the condition can lead to complications such as crossed eyes, persistent headaches, and eyestrain if left untreated.

Treatment Options

Treatment for farsightedness will depend on your age and the severity of your condition. Below are common options to reduce and manage the symptoms of farsightedness. During your appointment, talk to your eye care provider about treatment options, and the best plan for you.

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  2. Presbyopia
  3. Roseville, MI