A comprehensive thyroid panel will evaluate your thyroid function with 3 different tests:
- TSH test: A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test is a lab test that evaluates how well your thyroid is working by measuring your thyroid-stimulating hormone. Your doctor may recommend a TSH test if you're experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, including anxiety, weight gain/loss, tiredness, hair loss, irregular menstrual periods, changes in your heart rate, puffiness, and more.
- T4 Test: A thyroxine (T4) test measures the level of T4 in the blood.
- T3 Test: A triiodothyronine (T3) test measures the level of T3 in the blood.
Other blood tests that may be performed during a thyroid panel include:
- Thyroid antibody test: This test measures levels of thyroid antibodies that are produced to determine whether or not the immune system is mistakenly creating antibodies to attack the thyroid gland. By doing this, thyroid antibody tests can help detect underlying autoimmune causes of hyper/hypothyroidism such as Grave’s disease or Hashimoto’s disease.
- Thyroglobulin: This test measures the thyroglobulin protein, which is produced by the thyroid gland or thyroid cancer cells. A thyroglobulin test can help detect inflammation of the thyroid gland- especially in patients who have had their thyroid gland removed due to thyroid cancer.