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If you are experiencing any symptoms related to an STI, or suspect exposure, it is important to get tested. If left untreated, STIs such as gonorrhea can cause a host of issues, including infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and urethritis. Pregnant women should also note that gonorrhea can cause ectopic pregnancy or can even lead to a miscarriage.

It is also good to note that even if you have received an STD treatment before, you are still at risk for reinfection if you are exposed to a sexual partner that has gonorrhea.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following groups get tested annually:

  • Sexually active women under the age of 25
  • Women over the age of 25 with multiple sexual partners
  • Gay or bisexual men
  • Individuals with HIV
  • People who have been forced to have sexual activity against their will

Pregnant women should be tested early in the pregnancy because an STI infection can lead to low birth weight, premature labor, or result in a miscarriage. The CDC also recommends that teens and adults ages 13 to 64 get tested for HIV at least once.

Testing varies depending on the type of STI you have. Chlamydia and gonorrhea usually involve a urine or swab test, while other types of STIs including syphilis and genital herpes may require blood tests.

No matter the test, you can save up to 60% on treatment options and healthcare services by booking a visit with Sesame. Sesame offers cash-pay pricing, which means you know what you'll pay before you even step foot in a doctor's office. No hidden fees. No surprise bills. No nonsense.

Because the human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause vaginal, vulva, oral, and cervical cancer - as well as genital warts - it is a good idea for women to get tested for HPV every three years. Depending on your risk factor you may need to get tested more often.

Though some forms of HPV can cause penis and anal cancer, there is currently no approved routine HPV testing for men.

Leaving STDs untreated can put you at high risk for other health problems, including damage to your eyes, liver, joints, heart, blood vessels, and nervous system.

While there are a range of sexually transmitted infections, the most prevalent include:

Chlamydia: A bacterial infection that is most often spread through unprotected sex

Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that can infect the rectum, throat, urethra, and cervix.

Syphilis: A bacterial infection that starts as a painless sore on the mouth, rectum, or genitals, and is spread from contact with these sores via your mucous membrane or skin.

Trichomoniasis: A parasite that can transfer between people during sex.

Genital warts: Caused by certain strains of HPV, and can affect the moist tissues of the genitals.

Hepatitis B (HBV): HBV is a virus that is spread between people through body fluids such as blood and semen. This means it's transmissible through sexual contact and sharing needles.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. The HIV/AIDS virus can break down certain cells of your immune system, leaving you increasingly susceptible to infections and illnesses. HIV/AIDs can be fatal.

Human papillomavirus (HPV): Pelvic inflammatory disease that has the potential to cause cancer in women and men.

Herpes simplex virus: Herpes is a viral infection that can result in sores on your mouth and/or genitals. Herpes of the mouth and genital herpes, though painful or annoying at times, does not usually lead to other serious health problems.

Leaving any of these STIs untreated can cause serious health problems. Book a visit with a healthcare provider through Sesame and save on quality care. Sesame offers virtual doctor's appointments which means you can receive healthcare from the comfort of your home.

STI/STD treatment varies based on your particular case. Some are treatable with antibiotics, while others require antiviral treatments. You can help prevent the spread of STIs by using protection.

Common STD symptoms include itchiness, pain with urination, unusual discharge. Symptoms may also include sores, warts, or rashes in your genital area. If you engage in sexual activity with multiple individuals or have recently changed sex partners, you may want to get tested.
The main difference between the two is that STIs are infections; and STDs are diseases. STDs usually begin as STIs before causing symptoms and becoming a disease. Infections do not always cause symptoms.

There are a number of differences to keep in mind when it comes to hepatitis A, B, and C.

While hepatitis A has no potential for chronic infection, hepatitis B can become a chronic infection. Research shows that hepatitis B becomes chronic in 90% of infants who contract it, 25-50% of children ages 1-5, and 5% of adults. Hepatitis C is much more likely to become chronic, affecting about 50% of all people who contract it.

The route of transmission also plays a factor. While it is possible for all types to be transmitted through sexual contact, hepatitis A can also be contracted from consuming contaminated food and water, while hepatitis B and C can both be transmitted from sharing needles.

Hepatitis C is the most severe of the conditions. About 5-25% of people with chronic hepatitis C also develop cirrhosis, a serious infection of the liver.

Hepatitis is diagnosed through a blood sample, which will indicate which type and severity of the hepatitis infection. Your doctor will draw a small sample from your arm and send it to a laboratory for testing.

As for vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that individuals from age 1 to 18 receive a vaccination for hepatitis A and B. You can also vaccinate an infant from hepatitis B. Hepatitis C, however, does not currently have a vaccine available.

In order to protect the sexual health of both individuals, sexual partners should get tested before they start having sex. Because STIs can live in a person for years without any symptoms, it's never a bad idea to get tested. Using protection - like condoms, for example - can also reduce the likelihood that you or your partner may contract an STI.

STD symptoms can vary significantly, depending on the infection that you've contracted.The most common STDs - and their symptoms - include:

Syphilis: The symptoms for syphilis fall in three phases of the disease. Primary syphilis develops around 3 weeks from exposure and results in a small sore. Secondary syphilis happens a few weeks after primary syphilis a rash starts to spread, and may be accompanied by fever, sore throat and muscles, swollen lymph nodes, and hair loss. In the tertiary syphilis phase, you face potential damage to your liver, eyes, nerves, bones, joints, blood vessels, heart, and brain.

Trichomoniasis: In men, penile discharge, itchiness on the inside of the penis, and burning after ejaculation or urination. In women, unusual vaginal discharge, pain or discomfort while urinating, and itching, burning, or soreness around the genitals.

Chlamydia: Common symptoms include a burning sensation when peeing, discharge from the penis, abnormal vaginal discharge, and less commonly pain and swelling in the testicles.

Gonorrhea: In men, symptoms include pain and/or swelling in one testicle, pus-like discharge from the penis, and pain while urinating. In women, a higher rate of vaginal discharge, pain in the pelvis or abdomen, bleeding between periods or after sex, and pain when urinating.

Herpes: Herpes of the mouth and genital herpes can result in sores on your mouth, throat, inner thighs, and/or genitals. In some rare cases, sores can also appear on your eyes.

Genital warts: These small, swollen, pink, or brown bumps can cause itchiness, and bleeding from sex. When clustered together, genital warts resemble cauliflower.

There are different types of STI tests depending on your particular case and symptoms. This can be in the form of a blood test, urine test, or swab test, and can be performed at a doctor's office. Through telehealth platforms like Sesame, some doctors may even provide at-home tests. Depending on the test results, your doctor can help develop an STI treatment program that catered to your individual needs.

Most often affecting the throat, rectum, urethra, and cervix, gonorrhea is a sexually transmittable bacteria. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that gonorrhea infections can be tested through urine testing, endocervical testing for women, and urethral swab testing for men.

In women, common symptoms of gonorrhea include an increased rate of vaginal discharge, pain in the pelvis or abdomen, bleeding between periods or after sex, rectal itching, and pain when urinating.

In men, common symptoms include pain and/or swelling in one or both testicles, pus-like discharge from the penis, and pain while urinating, and rectal itching.

Gonorrhea does not go away on its own, and having it can raise risk factors for developing a number of other serious issues including a higher susceptibility of contracting HIV, infertility, and can spread to other parts of the body including your joints, eyes, and throat.

If you are experiencing symptoms related to gonorrhea, or other symptoms that affect your sexual health, Sesame can help connect you with a qualified health care provider, no insurance necessary.

Because gonorrhea is a bacterial infection, treatment generally includes the use of antibiotic medications like doxycycline, cephalosporins, gentamicin. Alternately, your doctor may prescribe gemifloxacin with azithromycin. Uncomplicated gonorrhea can even be treated with a single dose shot of ceftriaxone or cefixime.

It is also recommended that you get a follow-up test-of-cure. Speak with a doctor to learn more about your treatment options. Your doctor can provide you with a specific treatment plan for your particular case.

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