The primary goal of obesity treatment is sustainable weight management. This means that you are able to lose excess body fat while cultivating habits and behaviors that will keep the weight off. Below are common forms of self-care that are usually recommended for weight loss:
- Dietary changes: Reducing your caloric intake, and selecting healthy foods that provide proper nutrition are key components to weight management. Avoid fried food or food that is overly salty, fatty, or sugary. You can work with a nutritionist or dietician to create a meal plan that restricts certain foods (such as high-fat or high-carbohydrate foods) while increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
- Exercise: Increasing your physical activity is key to weight loss. It is generally recommended that you aim for at least 150 minutes (or 30 minutes a day) of moderate exercise. To prevent injury, gradually increase your activity levels. Start with low-impact aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling, or swimming to build your fitness. Additionally, work in daily measures such as walking 10,000 steps a day and using the stairs instead of an elevator to increase your aerobic capacity without overloading yourself.
- Therapy: There are support groups and mental health therapies that can help you address your behavioral habits, and the stress surrounding weight loss. These programs can help you learn to cope with stress without binge eating, understand your triggers, and practice healthy habits. Support groups can help you talk through your weight loss journey with other individuals who are dealing with the same things.