Doctor appointments for vaginal itching near me

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About Vaginal itching

Vaginal itching may be caused by irritation, infection, or hormonal changes. While many instances of vaginal itching are not a cause for concern, the symptom can be a signifier of an underlying health condition that requires treatment. Common causes of vaginal itching include:

  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
  • Yeast (fungal) infection
  • Irritation from soaps, feminine sprays, detergents, creams, condoms, spermicidal gels, and more.
  • Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis.
  • Changes in hormone levels during menopause.
  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
  • Psoriasis
  • Genital herpes
  • Pubic lice
  • Vulvar cancer

Vaginal itching can be annoying and uncomfortable. If you are experiencing persistent itching or any of the following symptoms, talk to your doctor right away:

  • Vaginal redness or swelling
  • Pain in the genital area
  • Blisters or sores on or around the vagina
  • Difficulty with urination
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse

Most cases of vaginal itching can be treated with over-the-counter medication and self-care therapies. If itching is accompanied by other symptoms, or if it persists over time, it may signal an infection or medical condition. If you are seeking medical attention for itching, or any of the symptoms above, try to be as transparent and clear about your condition and your recent sexual history as possible. Because vaginal itching can have many causes, being specific about what you are experiencing can help your doctor provide appropriate treatment.

Treatment Options

Doctors and providers on Sesame offer the following medications often used to treat {{ searchTerm }} for just $5 with free delivery. Book a visit today to discuss if the following medication can be part of a treatment for {{ searchTerm }}.

Note that all prescriptions are at your provider's discretion.

Many cases of vaginal itching will clear up without medical attention. If symptoms are severe, or if your doctor suspects that they are caused by an underlying condition, you may be prescribed medication to treat that concern. Below are common treatments used to relieve vaginal itching. During your appointment, talk to your provider about the best treatment plan for you.

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UTI Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

A UTI is an infection of the urinary system that often causes discomfort and painful urination.

UTIs often start in the lower urinary tract. Urethritis, a very common lower urinary tract infection, starts in the urethra. Lower tract infections can also originate or spread to your bladder, a kind of UTI known as cystitis.

Some UTIs can begin in the upper urinary tract, in organs like the uterus, ureters, or kidneys. While this is rare, kidney infections (also known as Pyelonephritis), could be life-threatening if left untreated.

When most people get a UTI, they experience what doctors call an uncomplicated infection. An uncomplicated urinary tract infection is temporary and not usually the result of any underlying conditions affecting the urinary system. However, people who suffer from recurrent UTIs--infections that happen over and over again--may be suffering from a blockage in the urinary tract. Specialists in urology call these chronic infections complicated UTIs. Sometimes, urologists will use a test called cystoscopy, which examines the inside of the bladder, to diagnose the cause of recurrent UTIs.

The (somewhat obvious) advantage of seeing a doctor is that a doctor can investigate the cause of your UTI. By finding the root of the problem, the doctor can also find the most effective solution. Doctors are available to diagnose and develop a treatment plan for you on Sesame--efficiently getting you the care you need from the comfort of your home, without any hidden charges.

In the meantime, the most common DIY remedy for urinary tract infections is cranberry juice--though the jury is still out on whether this actually works. Cranberries contain chemicals that help prevent bacteria, especially E. coli, from sticking to the urinary tract. But many researchers question whether cranberry juice contains enough of these chemicals to fight off UTIs. While there might not be a scientific consensus, cranberry juice definitely won't hurt you and is probably worth a try.

Drinking large quantities of water can also help. A Mayo Clinic healthcare provider found that liquid alone can be used to treat up to 50% of all UTIs. Consuming probiotics, like yogurts, may also help combat UTIs.

You may also be able to ease discomfort from UTIs by placing a heating pad on your lower abdomen if you have cystitis (if the infection is in your bladder).

Primary care physicians and family doctors can often treat UTIs. In some cases, patients may be referred to urologists, who are specialists in the urinary tract - much like cardiologists specialize in the heart and virologists in infectious diseases. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases is the main regulator body that supports urological research.

While home remedies like cranberry juice and heating pads may help ease some of your symptoms, the best way to cure a UTI is to see your health care provider. On Sesame, you can quickly connect with doctors in your area licensed to diagnose and treat UTIs - without having to drive to the nearest clinic.

That depends. You might be able to flush out a UTI within 24-48 hours, especially with medical advice, but it most often takes three to five days. People who have complicated urogenital infections, caused by pregnancy or other longer-lasting urinary system blockages, may have to wait six to eight days. Symptoms often improve in the first one to two days of treatment.

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, you may have a UTI. Connect directly with a qualified doctor or urologist on Sesame to efficiently and securely get the answers to your questions and the care you need.

Most UTIs are caused by bacteria. Antibiotics work by killing the bacteria, eliminating the infection at its source.

If necessary, your doctor may write you a prescription for over-the-counter antibiotics to fight the infection. All prescriptions are at your doctor's discretion.

Two of the most common symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection include abnormal urinary frequency (feeling the need to go very often) and urinary urgency (the sense that you desperately need to urinate).

You may feel a burning sensation when you pee. In more extreme cases, your urine might be cloudy, odorous, or even bloody. Women often will experience pelvic pain when they are experiencing a lower urinary tract infection, while many men encounter rectal pain.

Children experience many of the same symptoms as adults, but also may experience bedwetting, incontinence, and even drops of blood in the urine. Infants may have less specific or easily associated symptoms, including a lack of appetite, irritability, and fever.

Similarly, elderly people who have UTIs may experience symptoms that are harder to recognize as UTI-related. Elderly patients may have many of the same UTI symptoms as adults and children. However, they also may experience mental confusion, agitation, lethargy, falls, reduced mobility, and decreased interest in food.

Upper tract infections may involve these same symptoms, but many people also experience pain and tenderness in the back and sides, chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting. If you are experiencing symptoms of an upper tract infection, see a healthcare professional as quickly as you can.

Two of the most common symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection include abnormal urinary frequency (feeling the need to go very often) and urinary urgency (the sense that you desperately need to urinate).

You may feel a burning sensation when you pee. In more extreme cases, your urine might be cloudy, odorous, or even bloody. Women often will experience pelvic pain when they are experiencing a lower urinary tract infection, while many men encounter rectal pain.

Children experience many of the same symptoms as adults, but also may experience bedwetting, incontinence, and even drops of blood in the urine. Infants may have less specific or easily associated symptoms, including a lack of appetite, irritability, and fever.

Similarly, elderly people who have UTIs may experience symptoms that are harder to recognize as UTI-related. Elderly patients may have many of the same UTI symptoms as adults and children. However, they also may experience mental confusion, agitation, lethargy, falls, reduced mobility, and decreased interest in food.

Upper tract infections may involve these same symptoms, but many people also experience pain and tenderness in the back and sides, chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting. If you are experiencing symptoms of an upper tract infection, see a healthcare professional as quickly as you can.

Side effects of antibiotic UTI treatment may include headaches, fever, rash outbreaks, nausea, vomiting, tendon ruptures, and nerve damage. Over-the-counter antibiotics are only issued by doctors, if necessary. Your doctor should speak with you about any potential side effects.

Men with an enlarged prostate who experience UTI infections are often treated with the help of catheters. In these cases, catheters are used to drain the urine that is collecting in the bladder.
According to UCSF Health, 90% of all UTIs are caused by E. Coli bacterial growths. However, other species of bacteria - as well as viruses and fungi - can cause these infections.

It usually takes three to eight days for antibiotics to completely clear up a UTI, but symptoms often dissipate in one to two days.

Sexual Intercourse

UTIs are not STDs or STIs, but they can still be caused by sexual intercourse. Honeymoon Cystitis, for example, is a bladder infection that is often caused by sexual activity.

E. Coli is the type of bacteria that causes approximately 90% of uncomplicated UTIs. Sexual intercourse increases the risk that E. Coli or other bacteria could come into contact with the urethra, causing infection. This is particularly true for premenopausal women, as women's urethras tend to be shorter and located in closer proximity to the anus. The use of spermicides can also increase the risk of UTIs.

Urinating after engaging in sexual activity helps clear up the urinary tract and flush away bacteria, reducing the risk of UTIs.


Pregnant women are at a greater risk of contracting UTIs. As a pregnant woman's uterus expands, it may press on her bladder, making it harder for urine to enter the bladder and increasing the risk of infection.


Postmenopausal women are an at-risk population for different reasons. After menopause, lower estrogen levels, higher vaginal pH levels, and a decline in antimicrobial lactobacilli (the good kind, that is) all expose women to a higher risk of developing a UTI, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


Infants are at risk of UTI, especially when they have dirty diapers or are improperly wiped from back to front. Good hydration and hygiene can help prevent urogenital infections in infants.

Enlarged Prostate

Men with enlarged prostates are also at greater risk for contracting a UTI, as a larger than normal prostate can block flow out of the bladder.

Chronic conditions

People with chronic conditions including diabetes are more likely to contract UTIs. People whose immune systems are compromised, including patients with HIV/AIDS, also experience an increased risk of UTI.

Doctors can diagnose UTIs by learning about your current symptoms and assessing your medical history and risk factors. In some cases, your urologist may request a urinalysis, a common test that uses the presence of white blood cells (a key indicator your body is fighting an infection)in your urine sample. In some cases, a doctor may order a urine culture test, a more comprehensive examination of your urine sample.

You can tell a doctor all about your symptoms during a quick and easy consult on Sesame. Urologists in your area can diagnose a number of conditions like UTI over secure video chat, and come up with a treatment plan that works for you today.

Depending on the lab results of your urinalysis or urine culture test, your doctor may prescribe an over-the-counter antibiotic treatment for the UTI. These medications could include antibiotics like Amoxicillin/augmentin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin (Cipro), nitrofurantoin, and trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole. All prescriptions, if necessary, are at your doctor's discretion.

Nitrofurantoin, for example, is used to treat bacterial infections, but not for viral or fungal infections. It is very effective at overcoming bacteria that can resist other antibiotics.

Trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim/Septra/SXT)is one of the faster treatments for UTIs. Bactrim can get the job done with two daily doses over a three-day course of antibiotics. However, Escherichia Coli (the most common cause of urinary tract infections) is increasingly resistant to sulfamethoxazole. Ampicillin fares worse than bactrim does against E. Coli, while nitrofurantoin is the most effective antibiotic at fighting common urologic infections.

If you are experiencing recurrent urinary tract infections, see a medical professional to get to the bottom of the issue. Doctors qualified to treat UTIs in Gilroy, CA list affordable cash prices on Sesame.

Abnormalities and complicated UTIs may also involve kidney stones. When kidney stones form they often start in the kidneys, but can grow in the uterus or bladder. Stones that block flow in the urinary tract can cause urine to back up into the kidneys, increasing pressure on the kidneys, which can be very damaging.

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