Affordable online couples therapy and counseling

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Video Couples Therapy


Online couples therapy and online marriage counseling is a form of telehealth psychotherapy that allows couples to have a counseling session with licensed therapists through video chat sessions on Sesame. During couples therapy sessions, couples work with a couples therapist to talk through their relationship, their challenges, their mental health, and more. Online couples therapy is particularly helpful when in-person sessions are:

1) Unsafe (e.g. social distancing guidelines during COVID-19 pandemic)

2) Inconvenient (e.g. based on work/ family schedules)

3) Impossible (e.g. long-distance relationships)

Start healing together today with a real licensed professional counselor (LPC), licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), or provider on Sesame.

Couples therapy is a normal, healthy part of every relationship. Couples and marriage counseling by a licensed counselor offers emotionally-focused therapy to address relationship problems including:

  • Communication issues
  • Sexual obstacles
  • Anger management
  • Infidelity
  • Substance abuse
  • Separation

In order to address any issues you may be facing in your relationship, a therapist, psychotherapist, or counselor may offer tools such as:

  • Conflict resolution
  • Marriage counseling
  • Gottman Method
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Couples therapy can cover a wide range of issues and goals. Psychology Today offers some insight on common reasons why a couple may seek counseling:

Trust Issues

A breach of trust is one of the most common reasons why couples may seek counseling. Deception can show up in many forms, from physical and/or emotional affairs to money issues. Therapy can create a safe space in order to talk about and work through trust issues.

Communication issues

If you or your partner are finding it difficult to express how you’re feeling to one another, you may have communication issues. This is a very common conflict for a therapist to address.

An uptick in arguing

It is normal for couples to argue sometimes, but if you notice that they are becoming more frequent, it may be a sign that there are more problems under the surface of the relationship that need to be addressed.

Conflict management

Conflicts can arise from minor stressors to major impasses. Though some conflicts can be resolved after a session, some conflicts may involve innate personality traits or other unsolvable problems. Your therapist can provide tools to manage the emotional reaction around the stressors that cannot be resolved.

Sharing things that are hard to talk about

Fear can sometimes keep you or your partner from sharing openly. A therapy session can act as a safe space for couples to talk about things they might not otherwise share.

Major life events

The stress caused by traumatic events such as cancer, or the loss of a child, can cause partners to go their own ways. Relationship counseling might feel trivial when the trauma is taking the front seat, but it can help keep the bond strong and communication channels open for a couple when faced with life’s big challenges.

Intimacy issues

Intimacy issues, whether it’s emotional or physical in manner, can put stress on a couple. It is common for a couple to fall into a rut over time, and speaking with a therapist can help reenergize the union. Likewise, issues in the bedroom are common bases for couples to seek therapy. Physical intimacy may arise as a singular problem, or as a response to a larger problem. Therapists can provide activities, prompts, and other tools to help couples rekindle their connection.

Premarital counseling

Relationship counseling can help a couple work towards a strong and successful future together. American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) notes that a satisfying marriage revolves around three factors: individual traits, couple traits, and personal and relationship contexts. Therapy may provide useful tools that strengthen the connection and help a couple prepare for the future.

There are a number of benefits to online couples therapy/ counseling. Speaking with a licensed therapist/ clinician through video sessions lets you address relationship issues even if you are separated, or have barriers that make in-person therapy difficult (such as work or childcare scheduling). If you think you may have a difficult time working couples therapy into your schedule or life, you might consider online marriage counseling/ couples therapy as a way to work on your relationship without the hurdles of going to a clinician's office.

Couples therapy can help your relationship even if you aren't having relationship issues. Some couples use couples therapy as a way to strengthen a relationship or work through thoughts in a safe space. Some things that online couples therapy can help address include:

  • Communication skills
  • Sexual obstacles
  • Financial strain
  • Stress management
  • Anger management
  • Substance abuse
  • Separation
  • Infidelity/ communication to regain trust
  • Family therapy
  • Premarital counseling

Every couple is different - and your counselor should be able to help you determine whether you should attend alone or together. Consult with your couples therapist or marriage counselor about the issues you are hoping to address. In most cases, attending online couples therapy together is most beneficial, as it helps individuals talk through relationship issues together. That being said, in certain cases a counselor may want to meet with each partner individually, such as when domestic abuse is an issue.

Additionally, your partner may not want counseling services. If you are looking for help, but your partner isn't, you may consider booking a visit with a counselor yourself to talk through any issues you may be facing.

Talk to your counselor/ therapist about what form of online couples therapy/ online marriage counseling is right for you.

Sesame offers video visits with licensed therapists/ licensed clinical social workers in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. These live video sessions can help couples work through a wide range of issues including:

  • Communication skills
  • Sexual obstacles
  • Financial strain
  • Stress management
  • Anger management
  • Substance abuse
  • Separation
  • Infidelity/ communication to regain trust
  • Family therapy
  • Premarital counseling

You certainly don't need to be experiencing relationship issues to talk to a couples therapist/ marriage counselor. Relationship help can address problems in your relationship, or build a stronger relationship through communication in a safe and confidential space. All you need is an internet connection and a space where you feel comfortable together. If your partner isn't interested in participating, couples therapy can be beneficial for individuals as well.

Book a visit on Sesame with a licensed therapist/ clinical social worker today for convenient and affordable video couples therapy sessions. 60-minute visits start at just $132 - no insurance needed.

Every provider on Sesame treats patients differently - while maintaining the same level of quality care. Generally speaking, the first sessions are often quite similar - regardless of whether you’re seeing a couples therapist, psychotherapist, or family therapist, you are likely to experience a similar. First sessions are often used as “get to know you” sessions where you may share the history of your relationship, i.e. how you began, where you see yourselves now, and what you would like to achieve with therapy. This is a great opportunity to work through priorities and decide whether or not this therapist a good fit for you. The preliminary couples therapy session may involve separate meetings with the therapist and/or joint sessions that include both parties. In the case of family therapy, you are likely to include some/all family members.

Many therapists use a method called emotionally focused therapy (EFT) which is a short-term therapy with the goal of aiding the bond between partners. This method is based on the attachment theory, which suggests that patterns of attachment are developed early in life and stay with you as an adult.

If you are seeking couples therapy, Sesame makes it easy to find the right counselor with direct-to-patient care. No more insurance companies making decisions for you. Sesame sets fair, clear prices for every service- no mystery billing, no membership fees, no insurance mark-ups. It’s perfect for couples therapy, family counseling, and one-on-one sessions. Book a visit today and save up to 60% on counseling services.

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