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Dermatology Basics

Dermatology is the branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosing and treating skin disorders.

It covers a wide range of conditions, from acne to skin cancer. Dermatologists diagnose and treat diseases affecting the skin, hair, nails, scalp, and mucous membranes. They also provide care for cosmetic problems such as scars or wrinkles.

The field has grown significantly over recent years due to technological advances that allow dermatologists to better diagnose and treat conditions more accurately than ever before.

Common dermatological conditions include:

Acne: Acne is a common skin condition that affects people of all ages. It occurs when the pores on your skin become blocked, trapping oil and dirt inside. Acne can range from mild to severe.

Skin cancer (melanoma): Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in humans, accounting for more than half of all cancers diagnosed. It occurs when cells in the skin grow abnormally and uncontrollably, often forming tumors or lesions on the skin's surface. Skin cancer can be caused by environmental factors, such as UV radiation from sunlight and genetic factors that make a person more susceptible to developing it.

Psoriasis: Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes skin cells to grow abnormally. This results in thick, scaly patches of skin known as plaques which can be itchy, painful, and uncomfortable.

Eczema: Eczema is a common skin condition that causes itchy, red, and dry patches of skin to appear. It can affect people of any age but is more common in children than adults. Eczema is not contagious but can develop due to environmental factors like allergies, stress, and changes in the weather. Symptoms range from mild itching to severe inflammation.

Hair loss: Hair loss, also known as alopecia, is a common condition that affects both men and women. It can occur due to genetics, hormonal changes, or conditions like thyroid disease. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent and come in many forms, including thinning hair, bald patches, or complete baldness.

Rosacea: Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes facial redness and inflammation, typically in the cheeks and nose area. It can also cause symptoms such as acne-like bumps, visible blood vessels, facial swelling, eye irritation, or stinging sensations. The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but it has been linked to genetics and environmental factors like sun exposure and certain foods or drinks.

Dermatological Treatment Options

When it comes to dermatological treatment options, a wide range of treatments are available depending on the type and severity of the skin condition. These include topical medications such as creams or ointments, laser therapy, cryotherapy (freezing), photodynamic therapy (PDT), and Mohs surgery. Topical medications are used to treat conditions such as acne, while laser therapy can remove tattoos or other pigmentations from the skin's surface. Cryotherapy is often used for wart removal, while PDT treats precancerous lesions called actinic keratoses (AKs). Mohs surgery is a specialized technique that removes certain tumors, like basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, without leaving too much scarring on the face or body parts where it was performed.

Dermatopathology Basics

Dermatopathology is a subspecialty of dermatology that focuses on diagnosing and treating skin diseases through microscopic examination. It involves studying skin cells' structure, composition, function, and behavior to identify abnormalities that may indicate disease or disorder. Dermatopathologists use light and electron microscopes to examine biopsy specimens taken from patients with suspected skin disorders. Through this method, they can diagnose conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, lupus erythematosus (LE), lichen planus (LP), atopic dermatitis (AD), contact dermatitis (CD), and other inflammatory skin disorders.

Booking a Dermatology Appointment in Santa Ana

Sesame has a nationwide network of hundreds of primary care and dermatology providers, making it easier than ever to find convenient and affordable in-person and telehealth (video) dermatology care services in the Santa Ana area.

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