Tooth extractions in Sayreville, NJ

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Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are outpatient procedures usually in which your dentist or oral surgeon removes a compromised tooth.

Depending on the location of the tooth, you may need a more comprehensive tooth extraction procedure, particularly when the tooth has broken the gum line.

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Depending on the location and condition of your compromised tooth, your dentist may recommend either a simple or surgical tooth extraction. Connect on Sesame with a real, quality dentist licensed to treat patients near you to learn which procedure may be right for you.

Simple tooth extraction

During a simple tooth extraction, your dentist will first use a local anesthetic to numb the area before and during the procedure so that you don't feel anything but pressure when your tooth is being removed. The dentist will use a tool called an elevator to loosen the tooth and then remove it using forceps.

Surgical tooth extraction

During a surgical tooth extraction, you will likely have two or more sedation methods including local and intravenous anesthesia to numb the extraction site. Depending on your medical condition you may also receive general anesthesia. This is likely if you are having more than one tooth pulled. Your dentist or oral surgeon may need to remove bone or cut your tooth before the extraction or may may a small incision in your gum to complete the procedure.

Once the tooth is pulled, the healing process may take a few days to recover. The first 24 hours after surgery, it is important to keep the mouth clean without the use of mouthwash or brushing your teeth. Rinsing with warm salt water ever two hours after your meal can help keep the sutures clean. You may also need to eat soft foods in the first 24 hours so as not to irritate the wound.

If you are being fitted for a dental bridge you will likely have to wait until the site has fully healed and the gum shape stabilized before getting a dental implant.

Just because you have a toothache doesn't mean you need to get a tooth pulled. However, some of the following symptoms - particularly those that recur - may warrant a trip to the dentist's office to learn about the root of your symptoms and the ways to best address your condition. These include:

  • Pain

  • Gum disease

  • Major tooth decay

  • Repeated infected tooth

If you have any concerns about your teeth, it is best to speak with a dentist. They can help diagnose and craft a treatment plan specific to your needs.

Wisdom teeth, sometimes called "third molars," are the last teeth to come in on each side of the back of the lower and upper jaws.

In most cases, wisdom teeth come in between the ages of 17 and 23. For some people, wisdom teeth do not cause any problems. However, in most cases, wisdom teeth can cause an array of issues including overcrowding, tooth decay, and gum disease. Wisdom teeth can even grow in under the gum line and may need surgical dental extraction to remove. Doctors use dental x-rays to keep tabs on your wisdom teeth and recommend extraction when necessary.

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