Lowest price phenazopyridine (generic Pyridium) prescriptions and medications online for UTI's.

Get an online prescription for phenazopyridine (generic Pyridium) within minutes and pick up at your local pharmacy. Treating your UTI has never been this easy.

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Product Overview

Phenazopyridine (generic Pyridium)

  • What is phenazopyridine
    Phenazopyridine (generic for Pyridium) is a prescription medication that helps manage pain caused by urinary tract infections. It may also be used to treat pain with urination associated with surgeries, injuries, and medical examination procedures.

    Phenazopyridine does not cure urinary tract infections - it merely alleviates the pain they cause - and is often prescribed alongside an antibiotic to kill the infection and should not be taken more than 2 days when taken with an antibiotic.

    Talk to your doctor about whether phenazopyridine is right for you.

  • What are common side effects of phenazopyridine?
    While adverse reactions to phenazopyridine are uncommon, some patients who take the drug may experience mild side effects, including headache, dizziness, and upset stomach.

    Rare, more serious adverse events have also been known to occur. If you are concerned that phenazopyridine may be causing you to experience any number of adverse side effects, please contact your doctor or clinician.

    This is not a complete list of side effects. If you are concerned about additional side effects, please contact your provider directly.

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Medically Reviewed By Dr. Allison Edwards, MD

Frequently asked questions about phenazopyridine

Phenazopyridine (generic Pyridium) is a prescription medication that helps manage urinary tract pain, burning, irritation, and discomfort, as well as frequent urination caused by urinary tract infections, surgery, injury, or examination procedures.

Phenazopyridine is primarily used to treat pain associated with these conditions, rather than to cure the conditions themselves. It is usually prescribed alongside an antibiotic medication to both manage your symptoms and cure your infection.

Phenazopyridine is used to relieve the pain and symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs) including burning, irritation, and the frequent need to pee. It is important to note that phenazopyridine is not an antibiotic, so it will not cure the UTI. Your doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic in addition to phenazopyridine to treat both the symptoms and the infection.

Phenazopyridine is a local anesthetic (pain reliever) that acts on the lining of the urinary tract to reduce pain and discomfort. Like many pain relievers, it alleviates discomfort from urinary tract infections but does not work to cure the infection.

While adverse reactions to phenazopyridine are uncommon, some patients who take the drug may experience mild side effects, including:

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • upset stomach

It is common for phenazopyridine to turn your urine into a reddish-orange color. This side-effect is harmless and should go away when you stop taking the medication.

Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away.

Rare, more serious adverse effects may occur. If you are experiencing any symptoms listed below, contact your doctor right away. Serious side effects from taking phenazopyridine include:

  • yellowing of the skin or eyes
  • fever
  • confusion
  • skin discoloration (blue to bluish-purple)
  • shortness of breath
  • skin rash
  • A sudden decrease in the amount of urine
  • swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or legs

This is not a complete list of side effects. For more information on advice effects associated with phenazopyridine, please visit the National Institutes of Health’s DailyMed webpage.

Phenazopyridine will usually begin to work 30-45 minutes after you take your dose.

Phenazopyridine comes in either 100 mg or 200 mg tablets. Doctors typically prescribe 200 mg to be taken 3 times a day after meals. Taking phenazopyridine with food helps reduce the risk of an upset stomach. You should not take phenazopyridine for more than 2 days.

Phenazopyridine is currently only available via prescription. This means the use of this drug must be authorized by a licensed health care provider.

Providers on Sesame can write a prescription – or refill an existing one – during a virtual or in-person visit. Depending on the medication, you can arrange for same-day pickup at a pharmacy near you. Book an online consultation with a real, licensed provider on Sesame today to determine whether or not phenazopyridine is right for you.

Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your health care provider. Providers on Sesame cannot prescribe controlled substances.

Yes! Talk to a provider on Sesame and get your online doctor prescription or refill ordered right away for fast and convenient pickup from a pharmacy of your choice.

Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your clinician.

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