Get Stromectol (ivermectin) online prescriptions for parasitic diseases

Stromectol (ivermectin) is a brand name prescription medication used to treat parasitic diseases. Talk to a provider to discuss if Stromectol is right for you.

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Product Overview

Stromectol (ivermectin)

  • What is Stromectol (ivermectin)?
    Stromectol is a brand-name prescription medication prescribed by healthcare providers to treat certain parasitic diseases, including onchocerciasis (river blindness) and strongyloidiasis (an intestinal threadworm infection).

    Stromectol is available as an oral tablet. It contains the drug ivermectin, which is available in generic form. Stromectol is only available via prescription from a licensed healthcare provider.

  • What are the common side effects of Stromectol (ivermectin)?
    Using Stromectol has been shown to cause some side effects. Talk to your healthcare provider if these adverse reactions become severe or do not go away within a few days.

    Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

    This is not a complete list of side effects. If you are concerned about additional side effects, please contact your provider directly.

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Frequently asked questions about Stromectol

Medically reviewed by:Dr. Allison Edwards, MD

Stromectol is a brand-name prescription medication prescribed by healthcare providers to treat certain parasitic diseases, including onchocerciasis (river blindness) and strongyloidiasis (an intestinal threadworm infection).

Stromectol is available as an oral tablet. It contains the drug ivermectin, which is available in generic form. Stromectol is only available via prescription from a licensed healthcare provider.

Healthcare providers prescribe Stromectol to treat parasitic infections like onchocerciasis and strongyloidiasis.

Onchocerciasis—river blindness—is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected blackfly, found around rivers and streams in Africa, Yemen, southern parts of the Americas, and some areas of Asia. Symptoms of onchocerciasis include itchy skin rashes, bumps under the skin, severe itching, eye lesions, and visual impairment due to inflammation of the eyes, leading to permanent blindness if left untreated.

The parasitic roundworm Strongyloides causes the disease strongyloidiasis. It is transmitted to humans through contact with infected soil particles, which can be found in warm and humid areas of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The parasite enters the body through skin contact and migrates to the lungs, where it causes an inflammatory reaction. Symptoms of strongyloidiasis usually range from gastrointestinal upset (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting) to respiratory distress (shortness of breath, persistent cough). Other symptoms include rashes, fever, joint pain, and an itchy sensation in the skin. Severe cases may lead to organ damage or death if left untreated.

Importantly, ivermectin is not used for infections from viruses—like COVID-19—and bacteria.

Stromectol belongs to a class of medicine known as anthelmintics. Anthelmintic medications are a type of medication used to treat parasitic worm infections. Anthelmintic medications kill the worms that have invaded your body and help prevent reinfection. Anthelmintics may be prescribed for short-term or long-term treatment depending on the invasive parasite.

As a treatment for onchocerciasis and strongyloidiasis, Stromectol works by paralyzing and killing the worms that cause infection. It binds to specific receptors on the surface of parasite cells, blocking protein synthesis and disrupting normal cellular processes. This leads to paralysis and the death of the parasites, which are then cleared out of the body through natural elimination processes. It must be taken orally over several weeks or months, depending on the severity of the infection.

Stromectol has been shown to cause some side effects. Talk to your healthcare provider if these reactions do not disappear within a few days or become severe.

Common side effects reported from Stromectol use:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shaking
  • Muscle weakness

This is not a complete list of adverse reactions. Severe adverse reactions include:

  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Skin rash
  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Chest pain
  • Joint pain
  • Swollen glands in the neck, armpit, or groin
  • Eye pain, eye tenderness, or eye swelling
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness

If you experience any of these reactions, seek medical attention immediately.

As with all prescription medications, inform the prescribing doctor about any medical conditions you have been diagnosed with and any medications or supplements you currently take before starting treatment with Stromectol. Stromectol can interact with other medicines and substances, causing potentially serious side effects. Inform your healthcare provider if you have been diagnosed with any conditions that affect your immune system (such as HIV). Before beginning treatment with Stromectol, let your doctor know if you are pregnant or are planning on becoming pregnant.

Stromectol is commonly prescribed as an oral tablet. The exact dosage and schedule will vary depending on the patient's age, diagnosis, and body weight. For instance, Stromectol is administered every several months to treat river blindness. It is taken once as a treatment for strongyloidiasis. Take the medication exactly as your doctor has instructed.

Do not increase your dosage or discontinue the use of Stromectol unless ordered to do so by your doctor. If you experience any adverse reactions, contact a healthcare provider. Your dosage may increase or decrease depending on how well you tolerate the medication.

You should store your medication in a closed container at room temperature, away from extreme heat, extreme cold, moisture, and direct light, and keep it out of the reach of children.

Stromectol is only available by prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. Providers on Sesame can order Stromectol for local pickup on the same day. Talk to a provider on Sesame and get your prescription ordered right away for fast and convenient pickup from a pharmacy of your choice.

Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your doctor.

Providers on Sesame can write a prescription for Stromectol to be picked up near you—often within the same day. Don’t wait to get your prescription filled. Talk to a provider on Sesame and get your prescription ordered right away for fast and convenient pickup from a pharmacy of your choice.

Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your doctor.

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