Get convenient and affordable ursodiol prescriptions available for same-day pickup at your local pharmacy. Talk to a health care provider on Sesame to start treatment right away.
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383 services
Same-day visits
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$50M+ saved by patients
HSA and FSA accepted
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Product Overview
Ursodiol (generic for Actigall)
What is ursodiol? Ursodiol, also known as also known as ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), is a prescription medication used to dissolve cholesterol gallstones in an attempt to avoid surgery, and prevent gallstones in patients who are rapidly losing weight. It is also used to treat patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), an autoimmune disease which can damage your liver.
Ursodiol is also available under the brand names Actigall and Urso, and comes in both capsule and tablet form.
Talk to your health care provider about whether or not ursodiol is right for you.
What are the common side effects of ursodiol? Ursodiol has been shown to cause some side effects. Talk to your health care provider if these adverse reactions do not go away within a few days.
Common side effects reported from ursodiol use include:
·diarrhea ·constipation ·nausea ·indigestion ·dizziness ·headache ·vomiting ·cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, or other signs of infection ·back pain ·muscle pain ·joint swelling, pain, or stiffness ·hair loss
This is not a complete list of all possible side effects caused by ursodiol.
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1. Book a VisitFind quality doctors and specialists on your schedule. Read reviews, check availability, and book a same-day video appointment for as low as $34 at the touch of a button.
2. Video chat with a doctorConnect directly with the doctor of your choice to develop treatment plans and determine if a prescription medication is necessary - all from your smartphone or computer.
3. Get A Prescription & SavePrescriptions are sent directly to your local pharmacy for same-day pickup.
Ursodiol, also known as also known as ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), is a prescription medication used to dissolve cholesterol gallstones in an attempt to avoid surgery, and prevent gallstones in patients who are rapidly losing weight. It is also used to treat patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), an autoimmune disease which can damage your liver.
Ursodiol is also available under the brand names Actigall and Urso, and comes in both capsule and tablet form.
What is ursodiol (generic Actigall) used to treat?
Ursodiol is used to dissolve gallstones made of cholesterol in patients avoiding surgery. It is also used to prevent cholesterol gallstones in patients who are rapidly losing weight, as gallstone formation is a common side effect of quick weight loss or weight gain.
Ursodiol is also used as a treatment for people who are diagnosed with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), an autoimmune disease which can cause toxic bile acids to build up and damage the liver. The ursodiol can helps prevent damage from occurring.
How does ursodiol (generic Actigall) work?
Ursodiol belongs to a class of medications known as gallstone dissolution agents. It helps to dissolve cholesterol gallstones by reducing the production of cholesterol in your body and dissolving the cholesterol in bile to prevent stone formation. Because the liver produces larger amounts of cholesterol when the body starts rapidly losing weight, ursodiol’s cholesterol reduction properties are able to prevent gallstone formation.
While the exact mechanism is poorly understood, it is thought that ursodiol may work to treat primary biliary cirrhosis by helping to move inflammatory bile salts through the liver, preventing scarring and other damage.
What are the most common side effects of ursodiol (generic Actigall)?
Common side effects of ursodiol include:
cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, or other signs of infection
back pain
muscle pain
joint swelling, pain, or stiffness
hair loss
This is not a complete list of adverse effects – though these are among the most common. Seek medical attention right away if you experience symptoms such as frequent urination or pain when you urinate while taking ursodiol.
As with all prescription medication, be sure to inform the prescribing doctor about any medical conditions you have been previously diagnosed with, as well as any medication/ supplements you are currently taking before starting treatment with ursodiol. Ursodiol can interact with other forms of medication and substances, causing potentially serious side effects. In addition, let your doctor know if you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant before starting treatment with this medication.
What is the typical starting dose of ursodiol (generic Actigall)?
Ursodiol comes in the form of a tablet and capsule. Dosing frequency will vary depending on your diagnosis, typically ranging from 2-4 times per day. However, you should take the medication exactly as your healthcare provider prescribes. Do not discontinue or increase your dosage of ursodiol without consulting with your provider first. If you begin to experience adverse side effects while taking this medication, like those listed above, inform your provider right away.
Ursodiol should be stored in a closed container at room temperature, away from extreme heat, extreme cold, moisture, and direct light, and kept out of the reach of children.
Can I get ursodiol (generic Actigall) over-the-counter?
Ursodiol is currently only available via prescription. This means the use of this drug must be authorized by a licensed health care provider.
Looking for a prescription? Providers on Sesame can write a prescription – or refill an existing one – during a virtual or in-person visit. Depending on the medication, you can arrange for same-day pickup at a pharmacy near you. Book an online consultation with a licensed provider on Sesame today to determine whether or not ursodiol is right for you.
Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your health care provider. Providers on Sesame cannot prescribe controlled substances.
Can I get ursodiol (generic Actigall) online?
Good news! If deemed clinically appropriate, providers on Sesame can write a prescription for ursodiol to be picked up near you – often within the same day! Simply talk to a clinician and get your online doctor prescription or refill ordered right away for fast and convenient pickup from a pharmacy of your choice.
Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your healthcare provider.