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Sesame saves you more money than K Health.

Sesame lets you compare prices, choose your doctor before your visit, and book quality care at clear, upfront prices. No hidden fees, no mark-ups, no billing, and no insurance needed.

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Thousands of doctors and specialists

$50,000,000+ saved by patients

95% patient satisfaction

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Telehealth visit

Doctors and specialists on Sesame treat 120+ conditions.

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Saving people money on doctors and specialists every day.

500K+Patients treated
$47M+Saved by patients
60%Saved per appointment
95%Patient satisfaction
10K+Doctors & specialists

Why patients keep choosing Sesame over K Health.

We both offer virtual visits. Only Sesame lets you choose your doctor at affordable cash prices.

Clear, upfront pricing
Included with Sesame
Choose your own doctor or specialist
Included with Sesame
24/7 care
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In-person and video care options
Included with Sesame
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Prescription refills
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"Best Overall Telehealth"Healthline
"Best Price Per Visit"OnlineDoctor.com
"Most Innovative Health Startups"NYC Digital Health 100
How Sesame works

The best price with great doctors and specialists.

Find great doctors and specialists on Sesame and pay direct at discount prices. By paying your doctor directly - outside of insurance - you can save up to 60% on every appointment.

We’ll never send you a bill. Seriously.

You don’t need insurance to save on quality care. Doctors on Sesame set affordable prices for every service — no mystery billing, no membership fees, no insurance mark-ups.

Explore Sesame

Explore related specialists and services

Telehealth appointmentSee a top-rated doctor or provider within minutes
Mental healthAnxiety, depression, stress, ADHD, counseling, therapy, and more
Urgent careTreatment for asthma, ear infection, fever, UTI, sinus, infection, rashes and more
Prescription refillAccess medication refills for birth control, blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, thyroid health & more.
DermatologyFor patients that need to see a dermatologist

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