Lowest price bisoprolol (generic Zebeta) for high blood pressure.

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Product Overview

Bisoprolol (generic Zebeta)

  • What is bisoprolol?
    Bisoprolol (generic Zebeta) is a prescription drug used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure.

    High blood pressure is a common but serious condition that could place you at greater risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Speak to your doctor about whether bisoprolol is right for you.

  • What are common side effects of bisoprolol?
    While adverse reactions to bisoprolol are rare, some patients who take the drug may experience mild side effects, including fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, slow heartbeat, and diarrhea. If you are concerned that bisoprolol is causing you to experience side effects, please check back in with your doctor.

    Rare, more serious adverse events have been known to occur, including slow heartbeat, severe dizziness, fainting, blue fingers, trouble breathing, and mood changes.

    This is not a complete list of side effects. For more information on adverse conditions you may experience while taking bisoprolol, please visit the National Institutes of Health’s DailyMed webpage.

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Medically Reviewed by Dr. Allison Edwards, MD

Frequently asked questions about bisoprolol

Bisoprolol - the generic name for Zebeta - is a prescription medication used to treat high blood pressure. It belongs to a class of drugs known as beta-blockers, which suppress certain natural chemicals in the body that can cause the heart to beat faster. Beta-blockers slow down the heart and open up blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely through the body.

Bisoprolol is used to treat and control blood pressure, but will not totally cure heart problems. It may be prescribed along with other medication or lifestyle changes - including diet and exercise - to help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Doctors prescribe bisoprolol to control and treat high blood pressure. This helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions such as heart attack, heart failure, heart disease, kidney problems, and stroke.

While effective in treating high blood pressure, bisoprolol alone is not sufficient to get your heart health back on track. To achieve the desired result, your doctor may recommend lifestyle changes - including diet, exercise, and tobacco cessation - in conjunction with taking bisoprolol.

Along with a healthy lifestyle, bisoprolol can help play a key role in reducing your risk of heart problems if taken regularly. Even if you notice that your blood pressure has been lowered, do not stop taking bisoprolol without consulting your doctor.

Bisoprolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta-blockers. Beta-blockers work by counteracting the effects of adrenaline on your body. Adrenaline is a natural chemical your body produces that can cause your heart to beat forcefully - increasing your blood pressure. By blocking the effects of this chemical, bisoprolol allows your heart to beat more slowly, reducing your blood pressure and your risk of heart attack or stroke.

While the drug may cause some common side effects, it is important to remember that your doctor prescribed bisoprolol because its ability to keep your blood pressure under control - and diminish your risk of heart attack - far outweighs the side effects it may cause.

You may, however, still feel some side effects after you begin taking bisoprolol. These may include:

Fatigue Dizziness shortness of breath Slow heartbeat Diarrhea

Rare but serious side effects associated with bisoprolol may include:

Very slow heartbeat Severe dizziness Fainting Blue fingers Trouble breathing Mood changes

This is not a complete list of side effects associated with bisoprolol. For more information on adverse effects you may experience, visit the National Institutes of Health’s DailyMed webpage.

If these adverse effects become severe or persist over several weeks, talk to your doctor right away. Additionally, inform your healthcare provider about any medication you may be currently taking before starting treatment with bisoprolol. Bisoprolol may cause adverse side effects if it interacts with other drugs.

Bisoprolol starts to work within 2 hours of ingesting the oral medication. That being said, it may take 2-6 weeks before bisoprolol takes full effect.

The tricky thing about high blood pressure is that you often don’t feel its effects. You may not even realize that you have high blood pressure unless you take a blood pressure test. Because of this, you may not feel bisoprolol working - even though it is. Do not stop taking bisoprolol without consulting your doctor. Bisoprolol, along with other lifestyle changes, is meant as a long-term treatment of high blood pressure. Once your blood pressure begins to lower, continue taking bisoprolol unless directed otherwise by your doctor.

Dosage for bisoprolol depends on the needs of the patient. Doctors start most patients at 5 mg per day. Your prescribed dosage may fluctuate in accordance with your blood pressure; as goes your BP, so goes your dosage. Your doctor may increase your prescription to 10-20 mg of bisoprolol, depending on your condition. Do not stop taking bisoprolol without consulting your doctor. Stopping bisoprolol without your doctor’s supervision could lead to dangerous, life-threatening effects like heart attack.

Bisoprolol is currently only available via prescription. This means the use of this drug must be authorized by a licensed health care provider.

Providers on Sesame can write a prescription – or refill an existing one – during a virtual or in-person visit. Depending on the medication, you can arrange for same-day pickup at a pharmacy near you. Book an online consultation with a real, licensed provider on Sesame today to determine whether or not bisoprolol is right for you.

Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your health care provider. Providers on Sesame cannot prescribe controlled substances.

Yes! Talk to a provider on Sesame and get your online doctor prescription or refill ordered right away for fast and convenient pickup from a pharmacy of your choice.

Note that all prescriptions are at the discretion of your clinician.

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